Watch this video about our digestive system!
Play this fun game about foods. Imagine you work at this hamburger restaurant, it can be lot's of work! Are hamburgers a very healthy food?
Here is a great game to learn about healthy foods!

Spain has many different geographic features. Play these different puzzles and map games to see where they are!

Use google maps to see where we live. I want you to search for these different things:

Your house
Our School
Where you go on vacación  with your family
Where Madrid city is
Look to see if there is a town or city with your FAMILY NAME.

Have fun, and try Street view!

Principito Histórico

This term we will travel through history, following our Principito as he jumps along the timeline, visiting the Prehistory, Ancient Times, Middle Ages, Modern Age and Contemporary Age!

Have fun on this great adventure!
Materials:            Click here to play a game!

Watch how we can make fire only using sticks!

Watch this artistic way of creating glass. Glass was inventes in the Ancient Times, near Egypt and Mesopotamia.

In  the  jungle!
This term we will learn about things related to the jungle ecosystem. 
Here is a fun song from the “Beach Boys”


Watch this fun video to learn about the weather and try to answer the questions!

Which part of the atmosphere do the children go to?

What kind of weather can we see?

Use this web page to see what the weather is like around Spain. Look for cities in the Comunidades Autónomas we have painted on our maps!

Look in Andalucía, Galicia, Cantabria, Pais Vasco, Madrid, Comunidad Valenciana, Asturias y Cataluña!

Also in Canary Islands and Baleares Islands!


Click on the farm to play a fun game about gardening and learn what plants need to live!

Click here to play many different games about plants!

Plants on the playground!

Can you remember the different plants we have on our playground?

What do we make with lavender?

What do we do with rosemary?

Playing Hopscoth to learn the plant’s lifecycle!


Can you classify these animals in their groups??

You can play these games to create a jungle and see some different plants and animals.

There are many different animals hiding around our playground!

Can you remember some of the vertebrate and invertebrate animals we found in class?